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TOP 5 Classes in Albion Online 5v5 Siege

Are you looking to get into siege atm and only have Curse + Warbow. Are any of these good in siege and from your experience what are the top classes you believe dominate in siege? Halberd give you the ability to still put down some more damage with still having good control in the fights and mace gives you less damage but total control of a fight.

The Importance of Guild in Albion Online

There was Sandbox of Destruction in Winter 2013 that filled the void, Albion Academy in Spring 2014, I believe Vikings to an extent in Summer 2014 ( the guild that hit 300 because they took all members), and honestly, I can't remember a guild that filled this need fully in Winter 2015.

Best Way to Skill Up Faster in Albion

Skilling up in Albion requires you do one thing: gain Fame (Albion's exp.) You can skill up by gaining fame for every single one of your unlocks. This can take quite a while, but nothing will ever stop you from skilling up from gaining fame.

Albion Online Beginner's Guide: 4 Main Interface

Foreword: Please note that a lot has changed since this guide was written and even more will probably change. There are 4 main interface in Albion online: User Interface, User Interface, Chat Interface, Crafting Interface, Marketplace Interface.

Albion Gameplay Preview and Feature Video

Albion Online is a Free-to-Play medieval sandbox MMO. Albion Online is also the first true cross-platform MMO, running on different devices like Windows, iOS, Android at the same time and in the same world!

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