Albion Online Tips To Create An Efficient Solo-Gatherers - Miner

upalbion Date: Jun/13/17 23:17:47 Views: 9034

Since we always offer some guides on creating powerful and attractive characters in Albion Online, we'll tell you some tips to build an useful armory who provides the needed materials for new equipment without others' help: solo-gatherers.


As the official notes show, solo-gathering has an obvious advantage compared to gathering in a group - time management. As a solo-gatherer, you are free to start your gathering whenever you feel like it and you won't need to wait for a whole group of gatherers and guards to be ready to head out. The possible reward of sneaking into an area by yourself is more than worth the risk as long as you know what you are doing. 



This guide is referred from a top Albion gatherers, Buldozer, who shared how to create an efficient ore-mining build. This special build make him can survive almost any ganks by up to five players while effectively solo-gathering. Before you start a similar build, keep the right mindset: you are a gatherer and not a combatant, so your focus has to be on avoiding and outsmarting your opponents instead of taking them head on, and so it is no surprise that his build focuses on dodging any combat in the first place by stacking mobility and defense.




Weapon of Choice: Bloodletter


The Bloodletter offers two dash abilities that are great for quickly moving away from your aggressors in case you get de-mounted. When using one of them, always click outside of your area circle to ensure you cover the maximum distance.



Sunder Armor - An attack dealing physical damage, and reducing the target’s armor and magic resist for a short amount of time. Stacks up to 3 times.


Dash - Dash towards the targeted area.


Lunging Stabs - Dashes to a ground target location, dealing physical damage to any enemy in the way. The amount of damage depends on the enemy’s remaining health.


Passive: Life Leech - Every normal attack, you restore health.


Offhand: Mistcaller - Reduces the cooldown times on your skills. You will be able to use all of your abilities more frequently with the Mistcaller, which increases your overall mobility; On top of that, it also allows you to outrange your opponents much faster, giving you time to mount up or hide.




Helmet: Miner Cap


Motivating Worker's Song - Removes any movement-impairing effects, and makes you immune to movement-impairing effects, for 6 seconds. Doesn’t make you immune to forced movement effects, like knockbacks. Motivation Worker's Song will not only allow you to remove their crowd control but will make you immune, allowing you to use your skills to get some distance between you and the people chasing you.



Passive: Mining Skills - Increases your gathering yield for Ore.


Chest: Miner Garb


Wind Shield - Your gathering speed is increased, and a wind shield surrounds you, for a short amount of time. Every time you receive damage, enemies around you will be knocked back. Additionally, your armor and magic resist are increased. Wind Shield is one of your strongest counters against melee attackers. The best thing about it? It knocks away all enemies close to you, even if only one of them is attacking you. Wind Shield also triggers if you are hit by a ranged attack. You can use Wind Shield before you jump on your mount. The knockback effect will stay, making escaping from your enemies easier.


Passive: Mining Skills - Increases your gathering yield for Ore.


Boots: Miner Workboots


Flee - Increases your movement speed by 120%, and your max load by 200%, for a short amount of time. After activation, you can’t cast spells or attack for 12 seconds. Flee is an important skill and your life saver if you are caught off-guard. The huge boost to your weight capacity allows you to outrun your opponent, even while being overloaded. Keep in mind, that you cannot use any skills for 12 seconds after using Flee, always use your dashes before you use it, their cooldowns will recover in the meantime.


Passive: Mining Skills - Increases your gathering yield for Ore.


Cape: Miner Backpack


Reduces the weight of Ore by 50%. As you want to be able to gather as many resources as possible without overloading yourself, the gatherer backpacks are a must-have. It will save you the risk of going out twice for the same amount of resources!



Mount: Armored Horse


The only option for a solo-gatherer in terms of mounts, is the Armored Horse. While an Ox would greatly increase your weight capacity, as a solo-gatherer it will be of little to no help to you once you are under attack. Armored Horses are ideal for travel throughout the more dangerous parts of Albion, as they are relatively fast and safe. A Tier 7 Armored Horse is the optimal choice between benefit and costs, but you might want to consider using a Tier 5 Armored Horse if you are running low on silver.


Food and Potions


Pie and Omelette - Improves your gathering yield, and your load capacity and reduces your cooldown times. The Pie is a solid option for gatherers. The faster you can fill your inventory, the faster you can get your resources to a safe place. In addition, the Pie will increase the total amount or resources you can gather from rare nodes. However, the Pie won't help you at all in a combat situation. To increase your chances of surviving, always have an Omelette ready. If you are chased you can quickly eat it to increase your mobility by lowering your cooldowns, but keep an eye on your weight. You cannot use the Omelette if you would end up overloaded by losing the Pie's buff.


Resistance Potion - Improves your resistance, and your crowd control resistance for a short amount of time. Like the Motivating Miner's Song, the Resistance Potion is there to help you to fight against any kind of crowd control. The value of not being caught in a place while multiple people are attacking you outweighs the missing healing.



Always keep communication and good reputation with other solo-gatherers nearby especially when solo-gathering. Use Shift + Left click to quickly stash your items into a chest. There are some things you can shared with them: hostile players, nodes or rare resources you cannot gather.


It should be noted that don't stay in one area for too long as the longer you remain in the same area, the more likely a hostile scout might spot you. If you die you will not only lose your gathered resources but your gear as well. Remember that always have your mouse on your mount while gathering would help to keep alive.


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